Am I Ready For A Baby?
The question I’m sure every parent/parent-to-be has asked themselves at some stage.
Is there really ever a moment you can truly say you are?
As I head into the unknown realm of parenthood, I try to do what I can to prepare myself physically, mentally and emotionally. But what I’m struggling with is knowing when and what is enough?! I can read all the books, listen to all the podcasts, attend all the prenatal classes and take advice from fellow mums, but...Will I ever really be ready?
Or do I need to practice more trust and letting go? Letting go of expectations and trusting that I have what it takes to be the best mumma. Trusting that all I need is within and taking the time to delve into that rather than continue the search on the outside.
I don’t expect to get all the answers, but I am going to practice more being and less doing.