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Do You Judge?

I sure do! It’s not something I’m proud of but I’m being honest. I know we all judge at some stage or another. It’s how we are brought up, conditioned and often times, it’s human nature. Most of us are competitive and want to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. This results in us comparing, critiquing, criticising and judging. I definitely believe judgment is becoming more prevalent with the increased use of social media. As we become more addicted to technology our self esteem seems to decrease and our judgment increases. Being aware of your judgment is the first step. Once you begin to catch yourself you can begin to intercede your thoughts and change that negative chatter to something more positive and compassionate. We judge because we fear something. Generally that we are not good enough. Judgment of others makes us feel better about ourselves, if only for a few seconds. It’s hard to imagine a judgment free world but I’m going to begin by catching myself more in judgment and converting this fear to love. Love is what will set us free!

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