Covid Craziness
We live in such a crazy time,
Never before have we seen.
Anything that’s crossed the line,
Quite like this covid thing!
Will we even get through it?
Who will ever really know?
For now all there is to do is sit,
I’m sad I can’t go to the snow!
Lives are being lost,
For many reasons I am sure.
Let’s not even mention the cost,
And will there ever be a cure?
But the saddest part of all,
This virus has unfortunately spread...
Not just the healthy that will fall,
But those who are sick with dread.
Dread of a world long gone,
No more days as we have known.
To the point where they are done,
And can no longer be shown.
That there is a light in this dark,
As well as hope in the air.
If you can just ignite the spark,
I promise you it’s there.
We need to stay hopeful,
And support one another.
No point in becoming ropable,
It’s best we show love to each other.
So rather than let this divide,
Conquer and rule us.
Let’s ensure that we provide,
Less negativity and fuss.
I live for brighter days to come,
No more mention of the c-word.
Where kids can have loads of fun,
And laughter can be heard!