My Latest News

So I know I have been a bit quiet on the social media front for the past couple of months, but there has been lots going on in my world which has taken some time to process and navigate.
I am very excited to share with you that I’m growing a bubba and this has been consuming all of my energy of late. This on top of a spiritual conference in Vietnam, catching a nasty case of the flu and my partner currently being on the other side of the world, has meant I have been on a roller coaster of emotions.
It’s been the ride of my life and I’m only just coming to the end of my first trimester! My plan going forward is to share with you what I’m experiencing and learning along the way, but for now I am super excited and trying to prioritise self care and nurturing to ensure a happy and healthy bubba.
I’m also super excited to be working with an amazing doula and birth photographer who has come highly recommended as well as a midwife to assist in carrying out my wishes of having a peaceful home birth.
If you want to join me on this crazy ride, be sure to stay tuned and feel free to ask me any questions you may have, as I hope to share and inspire the beautiful women that surround me