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Silly Season Tips & Tricks

As we near that time of year...and we all comment on how quickly the past year has flown...I thought I would share some of my tips and tricks for managing this silly season!

For many of us, this time of year can really push the limits of our budgets. Be aware of this and begin planning earlier in the year, try making your own gifts or recycling unwanted items that you feel others may love, or consider layby and an option. Remembering that the more you spend on someone doesn’t have to be proportionate to how much you love them. There are lots of inexpensive ways to show love.

Be weary of the increased food and alcohol consumption during this time. With parties and celebrations ramping up, go in with a plan in place to ensure you honour your body and what it needs. If having that next drink or additional canapé is going to leave you feeling bloated and unwell, then think twice. Consider eating before you go, driving to the event so you don’t drink or make sure you don’t mix your drinks and keep drinking plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.

Many people also feel the obligations of family commitments during this time. Family is important but that doesn’t mean you have to say “yes” to all of their requests. Feel into what is right for you and your immediate family. Families can be complicated which increases the stress around this time of the year. There is no reason why you can’t start your own traditions, make your friends your family, or opt to delay your family Christmas celebrations to a later time when you’re feeling more able to cope with the situations that may present.

Christmas is a time for celebration, for reflecting upon the year that’s been and surrounding yourself with loved ones, whose company it is that you enjoy. Whether you’re religious or not, don’t be a Scrooge at this time of the year and allow yourself to feel and relish in the joy!

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