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Ego Is Not A Dirty Word
The Ego is a topic that gets thrown around quite a lot these days. Is the ego good or bad, is generally the underlying topic up for...
To Believe Or Not To Believe? That Is The Question!
As a society we have a need to box people into particular sects or groups. It generally has to do with beliefs and values systems and...
Do You Feel Equal?
Equality is one of those things I believe we all want to feel, however seldom seem to ponder in its totality. Equality may also mean...
Sharing Energy
Do you share? As a child did you share your toys? Are you happy to share your food or your money? Will you share how you feel when...
Conquer Your Fears
We live in a fear based world. This is how most governments work, by instilling fear into the populous, they then have the ability to...
My Vulnerability Is My Strength!
Society has largely viewed vulnerability as a weakness. You could argue this stems from a Darwinian methodology of nature's 'survival of...
Do you believe in yourself? Do you trust your instincts? Do you back yourself when you take a risk? Do you have no doubt in your decision...
Freedom of Choice
Fortunate enough to live in a democratic society (although I accept it has its fair share of issues), technically we live here in the...
What Goes Around Comes Around
Do you believe in karma? Do a good deed and a good deed will be done by you? Well I sure do! But my take might be slightly different to...
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