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Life After Birth
So it’s time to share some more of Gabrielle’s story... It’s been an eventful 7 months! After an amazing home birth experience, which I...

Breastfeeding Journey
As many of you know, my journey into motherhood hasn’t quite been what I expected (I’ll be sharing more on this another time). ...

POEM for Gabrielle
For Gabrielle... As I gaze down upon you, Admiring your beauty. Witnessing how fast you grew, As you become such a cutie. Full of...

Children's Photos on Social Media?
*Please know that I write this from a personal perspective and with no judgment on other parents and their individual choices. In an...

Birth Story
Read my blog here

POEM: Dear Baby
Dear Baby Inside of me you grow, Getting bigger day by day. As my belly begins to show, I love to feel you play! You seem to move...

Hormonal Roller Coaster!
It’s no secret that a woman’s hormones run wild whilst she is pregnant. This can be challenging at the best of times, and with the other...

Manifestation or Destiny?
My oh my how my life has changed in just a few short months. It looks dramatically different than it did at the beginning of this year,...

My Latest News
So I know I have been a bit quiet on the social media front for the past couple of months, but there has been lots going on in my world...
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